Poughkeepsie Is Home
The City of Poughkeepsie is home for me. Born at Vassar Hospital, growing up at Estelle & Alphonso’s dance studio on Cannon Street, dance recitals at Poughkeepsie High School, drinking chocolate milkshakes and eating French fries at The Daily Treat on main Street, getting treats at Woolworth’s, riding the elevator at Lucky Platt’s, getting my hair cut at Up-to-Date, watching fireworks at College Hill, playing at Spratt Park, and having family dinner on Fulton Ave and Virginia Ave.
Years have gone by and my most fond memories are driving through the City with my grandmother Gigi. She always loved car rides and she would tell us so many stories about her life growing up here (wish that I wrote them all down). The City of Poughkeepsie is home, still, and who ever thought that I would be married to the Mayor! My grandmother was so proud to be able to vote for Rob before her passing.
Now, the PK Buzz!
It is happening all throughout the Queen City and it is so exciting to be here as an adult and watch this great city prosper once again. I live, work and play in the City of Poughkeepsie and I could not be prouder.
Now, I am watching other children and families play, learn and grow here, creating their own memories…with so many great cultural events, restaurants, shops popping up, parks, First Friday celebrations and many more. Just follow PKGO at PoughkeepsieGo.com and catch the “Buzz!”
Lori Rolison